Dance Development
Image: Briony Campbell Artist: Jo Rhodes (Challenge 59)
After more than 3 decades working in Dance, I have been involved with the work of many, many artists and companies and produced/co-produced small and large scale events.
Despite being in this industry for so long, I still feel as inspired as ever each time I meet a new artist in need of some guidance to bring their idea to life. I particularly love finding new ways to work and being at the forefront of change. It is what brings me pure joy and keeps me motivated through the ever turbulent times of arts funding.
“Anything to do with Dance has June’s thumbprint on it."
Tim Brinkman
There are moments in every artists career that they will find themselves in need of some external guidance.
This could be at the very start of your journey to ensure you are building your career on solid foundations. Or it could be mid career as you find yourself in need of clarity and direction.
Wherever you are in your dance journey, and whatever your reasoning for needing dance development mentoring or strategic development I’m here to help.
The first step is to get in touch with me to discuss your needs.
“When I asked 80 - 100 people at the One Dance UK conference to stand up if they knew June Gamble - about 25% stood up with a smile on their face”
Jeanefer Jean-Charles.

Things I'm Most Proud Of
Over my career I have:
- Raised in excess of £3,750,000 for dance and theatre projects
- Managed budgets in excess of £700,000
- Delivered in excess of 1,500 coaching and mentoring sessions
- Have sustained a portfolio in excess of 22 dance and theatre clients
- Booked and managed in excess of 20 national/international tours of dance and theatre companies
- Founder member of 3 Strategic Development Organisations
- Delivered in excess of 550 training/facilitation days
- Guest Lecturer at 9 FE/HE Institutions
- Nominated and shortlisted for the 2018 One Dance UK Jane Attenborough Award for contribution to dance.
I am inspired and motivated by wise words from my sadly departed friend and colleague, Jamie Watton
“embracing change is the way forward for the dance sector”
How We Can Work Together
If you are an artist or dance company, I can work for you as your Life and Business Coach or as your Dance Development Consultant. The former focuses on you, whilst the latter focuses on your company/organisation.
As your Life and Business Coach, you can meet with me for a one-hour session, once or regularly, as you require.
As your Dance Development Consultant, we will discuss and agree a package of a minimum of 12 hours a year (e.g. one hour a month or 4 x 3 hour sessions) to discuss, create and action your Project or Business Plan.
In addition, as a dance company or organisation, I can facilitate Management Team/Board training and development sessions and/or contribute to your organisational development processes as a consultant.
To list every artist and company I have been involved with over the years would be an impossible task. But here is a selection of artists, companies and projects I have contributed to:
Josh Hawkins (Hawk Dance Theatre)
Lisa May Thomas
Louise Katerega
New Adventures (Overture programme)
Niki McCretton
Pavilion Dance South West
Plymouth Dance
Siobhan Davies Dance
South East Dance
Swindon Dance
The Actors Centre
The Association of Dance of the African Diaspora (ADAD)
The Place Artist Development